The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM) has published new information about the CEP procedure and its related inspections. Please read more about he latest updates from EDQM.
The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM) has published new information about the CEP procedure and its related inspections.
1) Costs of inspections
The EDQM has published a new document which describes the inspection costs. The EDQM document PA/PH/CEP (12) 28 1R refers to a table of fees and inspection costs. The costs for the inspection as well as for the travel will be invoiced prior to the inspection. For a three day inspection, for example, the fee is 5000,- Euro. If the facility is located in Asia a flat rate of 6000,- Euro will be charged to cover the travel costs, food and accommodation for the inspector. The travel costs are less…
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Filed under: Regulatory, Uncategorized Tagged: CEP, EDQM, fda, TELANGANA