Diabetes Nephropathy, a chronic metabolic complication of diabetes mellitus, is characterized by elevated levels of serum glucose,creatinine, urea and uric acid in addition to abnormal histopathological changes in kidney. In the recent past, many antidiabetic agents are introduced; still the diabetes and the related nephropathy complication continue to be a major medical problem, not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Not with standing much research work, the diabetic kidney damages are increasing rapidly and patients with diabetes kidney failure undergo either painful dialysis or kidney transplantation [1] which is both costly and harmful. More and more interest is now growing about plant use as an alternative therapy for protecting kidney damage in patients with diabetes mellitus. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been widely implicated in the pathogenicity of diabetes mellitus and its nephropathy. A number of clinical studies suggest that the antioxidants in medicinal plants are key factors in reducing the incidence of diabetic nephropathy. Traditional medicines and extracts from medicinal plants with antioxidant potential have been extensively used as alternative medicine for better control and management of diabetes nephropathy [2]. However, searching for new antidiabetic drugs with nephroprotective properties from natural plants is currently very important. |
Amaranthus hybridus L. (Amaranthaceae) commonly known as ‘Cheera’ in Malayalam, is an erect branched annual herb distributed throughout tropical and temperate regions of India as a common weed in the agricultural fields and wastelands. In traditional medicinal system different parts of the plant Amaranthus hybridus (A. hybridus) have been mentioned to be useful in a variety of diseases. Traditionally, the plant has been used in treating dysentery, diarrhoea, ulcers and hemorrhage of the bowel due to its astringent property [3–5]. In southern India, the leaves are used in folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes. Leaves possess antibacterial effect, cleansing effect and also help to reduce tissue swelling [5]. In Nigeria, A. hybridus leaves combined with condiments are used to prepare soup [6–8]. In Congo, their leaves are eaten as spinach or green vegetables [6,9]. These leaves boiled and mixed with a groundnut sauce are eaten as salad in Mozambique and in West Africa [10,11]. The Amaranthus species contains amaranthine, quercetin, and kaempferol glycosides [12].A. hybridus leaves are used as an antidote for snake and scorpion bite [13,14]. |
Amaranthus species were of great importance in pre-Colombian American people’s diets [15] and A. cruentus and A. hybridus have a high nutritional value [16] (Fernand et al.). The consumption of A. cruentus products is advised for patients with celiac disease and, therefore, also for diabetic persons [17]. A. hybridus has been used traditionally for the treatment of liver infections and knee pain and for its laxative, diuretic, and cicatrisation properties [16]. |
Furthermore, recent studies established theantihyperglycemic activities of other species of Amaranthus genus as A. spinosus [18] and A. viridis [19,20]. However, based on the literature survey, there is no scientific report proving the anti-hyperglycemic efficacy of this particular species. Therefore, the current study was designed to evaluate the nephroprotective activity of Amaranthus hybridus in STZ induced diabetic rats. |
Therapeutic Effect of Amaranthus hybridus on Diabetic Nephropathy
Balasubramanian T* and Karthikeyan M | |
Department of Pharmacology, Al Shifa College of Pharmacy, Kerala, India | |
Corresponding Author : | Dr. Thirumalaiswamy Balasubramanian Department of Pharmacology Al Shifa College of Pharmacy Poonthavanam Post, Kizhattur Village Perinthalmanna, Malappuram Dist Kerala-679 325, India Tel: +919544496752 E-mail: tbaluanandhi@gmail.com |
Received December 29, 2015; Accepted January 07, 2016; Published January 14, 2016 | |
Citation: Balasubramanian T and Karthikeyan M (2016) Therapeutic Effect of Amaranthus hybridus on Diabetic Nephropathy. J Develop Drugs 5:147.doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000147 |
Dr. T. Balasubramanian
Karthikeyan M
////////Therapeutic Effect, Amaranthus hybridus, Diabetic Nephropathy, AYURVEDA
Filed under: AYURVEDA Tagged: Amaranthus hybridus, AYURVEDA, diabetic nephropathy, Therapeutic Effect