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Name: 1,2-dimethoxymethane
From the molecular formula, the compound has “0 degrees of unsaturation” (no double bonds or rings).
The 13C NMR has two peaks, a quartet at 54 (a CH3) and a triplet at
80 (a CH2). Since the molecule has four carbons and only two 13C NMR peaks, there must be symmetry. Both peaks are in the regions where carbons next to electronegative atoms occur (oxygen).
τι είναι αυτό, γιατί είσαι ανήσυχος, βούρτσα με απλά πράγματα, θα βγει ιδιοφυΐα, να μάθουν μαζί μου, μικρές σταγόνες του νερού κάνει έναν ωκεανό, θα είστε ένας εμπειρογνώμονας σε αυτό
আপনি চিন্তিত কেন এই সহজ জিনিস নিয়ে ব্রাশ,, কি, আপনি, প্রতিভা বাইরে আসতে আমার সাথে শিখতে হবে, জলের ছোট ঝরিয়া একটি মহাসাগর না, আপনি এই একজন বিশেষজ্ঞ হতে হবে
From the molecular formula, the compound has “3 degrees of unsaturation” (3 double bonds or rings).
: ethyl cyanoacetate
The 13C NMR has 5 peaks, a quartet at 14 (a CH3), a triplet at
59 (a CH2), another triplet at
22 (another CH2), and two singlets, one at
118 and one at
172. Since the molecule has five carbons and five 13C NMR peaks, there must be no symmetry. The singlet at
172 is in the carbonyl region, most likely an acid or an ester. The CH2 at
59 is in the region where carbons next to electronegative atoms occur (i.e., oxygen) and the CH3 at
14 is a simple terminal methyl, suggesting an -O-CH2CH3 residue. The singlet at
118 would be consistent with a nitrile carbon and the shielded CH2 at
22 suggests that it may be adjacent to the sp-carbon of the nitrile
The 13C NMR has 6 peaks, a quartet at 25 (a CH3), a triplet at
49 (a CH2), another quartet at
17 (another CH3), two doublets (a CH) , one at
124 and one at
131, and one singlet at
207. Since the molecule has six carbons and six 13C NMR peaks, there must be no symmetry. The singlet at
207 is in the carbonyl region, most likely an aldehyde or ketone. The CH3 groups at
17 and 25 are consistent with simple terminal methyl groups, with one slightly shifted by an mildly electronegative group (a carbonyl?). The doublets at
124 and 131 are in the alkene region, suggesting a -CH
CH- group. The remaining CH2 group at
49 is probably deshielded by two electronegative groups.
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From the molecular formula, the compound has “5 degrees of unsaturation” (5 double bonds or rings).
The 13C NMR has 6 peaks, a quartet at 27 (a CH3), three doublets (CH groups), at
129, 128 and 133, and two singlets, one at
137 and one at
197. Since the molecule has eight carbons and six 13C NMR peaks, there must some degree of symmetry. The singlet at
197 is in the carbonyl region, most likely an aldehyde or ketone. The CH3 groups at
27 is consistent with a simple terminal methyl group, slightly shifted by an mildly electronegative group (a carbonyl?). The doublets at
129, 128 and 133 and the singlet at
137 are in the aromatic region, suggesting a monosubstituted aromatic group, with symmetry in four of the six carbons.
நீங்கள் கவலை ஏன் இந்த எளிய பொருட்களை கொண்டு துலக்க, என்ன, நீங்கள், மேதை வெளியே வர எனக்கு கற்று, நீர் சிறு துளிகள் ஒரு கடல் செய்ய, நீங்கள் இந்த ஒரு நிபுணர் இருக்கும்
के तपाईं चिंतित हो किन यो सरल कुरा संग ब्रश,, के हो, तपाईं, प्रतिभा बाहिर आउन मलाई संग सिक्न हुनेछ, पानी सानो थोपा एक महासागर बनाउन, तपाईं यस मा एक विशेषज्ञ हुनेछ\
તમને ચિંતા થતી હોય કે શા માટે આ સરળ બાબતો સાથે બ્રશ, શું છે, તમે પ્રતિભા બહાર આવે મારી સાથે શીખશે, પાણી નાના ટીપાં સમુદ્ર કરો, તો તમે આ એક નિષ્ણાત હશે
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- Electronegative groups are “deshielding” and tend to move NMR signals from attached carbons further “downfield” (to higher ppm values).
- The
-system of alkenes, aromatic compounds and carbonyls strongly deshield
C nuclei and move them “downfield” to higher ppm values.
- Carbonyl carbons are strongly deshielded and occur at very high ppm values. Within this group, carboxylic acids and esters tend to have the smaller
values, while ketones and aldehydes have values
Simple interior (primary and secondary) carbons tend to be in the range
25 – 45. Methyl groups which terminate unbranched alkyl chains, however, are significantly shielded (moved to lower
values), as shown by the examples above (
14, 14.3 and 8.7). The origin of this effect is thought to be steric compression in the gamma (
) position due to gauche interactions. This is shown schematically below and the gamma position is marked above in the example for hexane.
The presence of an electronegative atom such as oxygen tends to move the chemical shift of the Œ-carbon down into the region
65 – 90, as shown in the examples below:
Halogens, however, have effects which are difficult to predict and carbons adjacent to halogens tend to have chemical shifts in the
30 – 50 region, as shown below. The effects are not simply additive, however, and multiple substitution can often be shielding (move the signal to lower
values). The nitrile carbon is significantly shielding and adjacent carbons tend to occur in the
20 – 25 region.
Alkene carbons tend to have chemical shifts in the range
110 – 140, as shown in the examples below. Conjugation between alkene centers has little effect, as demonstrated by the two middle structures shown below. Conjugation with an oxygen, however, has a dramatic shielding effect, which is attributed to contributions from the resonance forms shown below.
Alkyne carbons occur in the region
65 -85, and are significantly shielding to the carbons which are immediately adjacent (
1.5 for the terminal methyl of 2-pentyne).
Carbonyls are the most highly deshielded carbons which are typically encountered. Their intensity is usually weak, since there are no attached hydrogens to contribute to the Nuclear Overhauser Effect enhancement (with the exception of aldehydes). Typical chemical shifts occur in the region
170 – 210 with esters, carboxylic acids and amides at the low end, and simple ketones and aldehydes at the high end of the range.
Aromatic carbons have chemical shifts in the range
120 – 140 and are shifted within this range by the nature of the attached substituent. The multiplicity of aromatic peaks in the non-decoupled spectrum is useful for identifying aromatic substitution patterns.

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