Originally posted on lyranara.me:
There are a few herbal formulas within Chinese Medicine that are worth their weight in gold. Yin qiao and/or Gan Mao Ling for colds/flus, Bao Ji Wan for food poisioning/acute digestive disturbances, and Yunnan Baiyao for acute bleeding, among others… In our clinic many of our patients, particularly those prone to getting cuts and scrapes such as construction workers, landscapers, etc. are aware of Yunnan Baiyao. We usually tell them to first rinse the wound if possible, then pour some of the Yunnan Baiyao powder on the wound and then rub in some saliva, then cover lightly. The bleeding stops quickly and the wound heals easily time and time again. Yunnan Baiyao is a top level Chinese military secret, originally developed for healing gun shot wounds in battle, and there is only one manufacturer.
Researchers from the Department of Pathology within the College of Medicine at Xi’an Jiaotong University in…
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